Continuous Fryer Machine

Continuous Fryer Machine


Continuous Fryer Machine Video 1
Continuous Fryer Machine

Continuous Fryer Machine Properties

With continuous fryer machine and frying machine can fry potato, eggplant, pepper, kibbeh, kibe, falafel, zucchini, meat, chicken, fish, etc...

continuous fryer machine has been always problem to fry large quantities of product at the large kitchens because of the high cost of oil usage,labour cost,time and energy loss.Conveyor fryer and conveyor frying machine guaranteeto solve these problems.Do your operation with fantastic low cost…Our conveyor fryer offers you special advantages with its ergonomic design and innovative solutions.

With continuous fryer machine instead of several fryers and many employees,you can fry 150 kg vegetable and 70 kg protein-based product per hour with only 1 employee.

continuous fryer machine and conveyor fryer designed to minimize heat losses and work with high efficiency for continuous frying.. Comparing the old mehods our product save %30 time

continuous fryer machine and conveyor frying machine specially designed hidden tube resistances do not contact to oil that prevent deformation and burning. The machine has two oil chamber, one for cooking the other for storage. After frying process is finished the used oil will pass through the thick particle filter to the storage chamber. When you want to use the stored oil for the next frying operation, turn on the oil transfer pump. The oil will be fine filtered and then goes to the frying chamber. Hidden resistance and two filtration process ensure very long oil life.

Continuous Fryer Machine

continuous fryer machine designed for continuous frying. Now It is very easy to fry large quantities of product with high hygiene standart and low cost .

With continuous fryer machine and conveyor fryer machine frying time control between 1.5 and 20 minutes. You can fry a wide range of vegetable and protein based Products

continuous fryer machine and conveyor frying machine has totally enclosed system, ensure of preventing oil splashing and harming the employees using the safety thermostats stops the fire risk and hidden resistance stops the electric shocks.

continuous fryer machine designed to minimize heat losses and work with high efficiency for continuous frying. Comparing the old mehods our product save %30 time and energy.

With continuous fryer machine and conveyor fryer when the frying process is over you can take the conveyor to the cleaning mode and you can easly reach every part of the cooking chamber and make a smooth cleaning.